International crisis of refugees : Why UN failing whereas individual odds like Buzi and Sawiris showing the way out

Syrian migrants: International crisis of refugeesThe horrific news that there are now more displaced people than any time since world war II itself tells about the heart breaking humanitarian crisis that is grappling the world order of the day today. What is more shocking and visible is the total inability of the UN to deal with such a crisis of unimaginable magnitude.

Need for effective UN Role

When we see that around 42500 people left their homes per day in year 2014, a figure which is four fold increase since 2010 and this along with intermittent news of drowning of thousands of migrants crossing over the sea borders to Greece is nothing but a total failure of the mission of the United Nations. The people world over look for some solution and more into the eyes of hapless UN which has all the wrong powers vested to it to serve the select individual countries which ultimately controls the affairs of UN. The basic mute question is that how to bring the world peace order in today’s turmoil and this remains unresolved till date by the UN whereas it was the basis of its coming into existence and more so to see that such humanitarian crisis do not take place in future and disturb the co-existence of different communities post world war. It is really and really a very unfortunate situation. The world is still sitting on stock pile-up of Nuke Bombs whereas in all principle this UN body otherwise can well be empowered for all Nuclear deterrent activities to control the world order. This way other Nuke powers world over can dispose their stock coolly for more systematic control of the unrest situation. The outcome of refugee crisis at present seems to be a point of no return if the different world bodies do not act fast enough to control it.

Buzi & Sawiris – A source of Inspiration

Under such a grave situation, the path and the way out shown by two great odd individuals named Mr Jason Buzi, a Silicon Valley Israeli origin American real estate Entrepreneur cum Philanthropist and other Mr Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian Billionaire is highly creditable. These two individuals have plans to join hands and along with like minded people to go out to buy some new islands for sheltering these poor migrants. What a pity situation and definitely one in which the empowered UN can very well intervene in a bigger way.  The path has been shown by these two great individuals whereas many a countries have thousands of un-inhabited islands for which these states can very well be pursued for sheltering these migrants. World still has enough space to settle each and every individual and that too without much monetary efforts but there should be a will to do that. When last Friday Mr Buzi found an unexpected ally in an Egyptian Billionaire Mr Sawiris to resolve the crisis then why the present day world forces cannot come together for bringing more brighter and humanitarian solution in the 21st century for the inhabitants of our mother earth. If crisis is not resolved in true spirit then the peril has to follow sooner or later.

More Article: Why is Greece in trouble?

Encouraging show by some world leaders who matter most

 It is worth mentioning that a great restraint and some humanitarian angle shown by countries like Hungary, Germany and Austria is all the more a welcome move and a great credit goes to the world leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A rare and never ever heard great philanthropist move by any political leader of the world till date  has come the in the form of a news that Finnish PM Mr Juha Sipia is offering his spare house for the Asylum seekers and probably these are some little-little efforts which ultimately make  this world still keep on move in an otherwise looking gloomy condition.

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