Get Back into Reading. 24 books for 2024.

How to Get Back into Reading: Rediscovering the Joy of Books

In the midst of our busy lives, the once-beloved ritual of losing oneself in the pages of a good book can fade into the background. If the joy of reading has eluded you and the prospect of picking up a book seems daunting, don’t worry – the journey back into the world of books is delightful. In this guide we’ll delve into an extended list of tips and tricks to help you rekindle your love and get back into a reading habit, making it a source of joy and excitement rather than a daunting obligation.

1. Start Small with Short Reads:

If the idea of diving into a thick novel feels overwhelming, start small with shorter reads. Consider picking up a collection of short stories, essays, or poetry. These bite-sized literary delights provide the satisfaction of completing a narrative without the long-term commitment, making them an excellent gateway back into the reading habit.

2. Create a Cozy Reading Nook:

Transform a corner of your living space into a cozy reading nook. It doesn’t have to be elaborate – a comfortable chair, a soft blanket, and a warm light can work wonders. Having a designated space can make the experience more inviting and help signal to your mind that it’s time to unwind with a good book.

3. Set Realistic Goals:

Rather than setting ambitious reading goals that might feel like chores, it will be easier to get back into reading by establishing achievable and flexible targets. Start with a goal as modest as reading for 10 minutes before bed or during your lunch break. The key is to make it enjoyable and stress-free, allowing you to savor the experience without the pressure of meeting a stringent reading quota.

4. Explore Different Genres:

If you’ve fallen out of love with reading, it might be because you haven’t found the right genre to capture your interest. Experiment with different genres – from fiction to non-fiction, mystery to fantasy, or graphic novels to memoirs. The vast literary landscape offers something for everyone, and exploring diverse genres can reignite the excitement of discovering new worlds. Look into online reviews of titles that interest you to find good books to get started.

5. Join a Book Club or Reading Community:

Sharing the experience with others can add a social element that enhances the joy of the journey. Joining a book club or an online reading community provides an opportunity to discuss books, share recommendations, and connect with fellow readers. It’s a low-pressure way to reintegrate books into your routine while building a sense of community around it. The conversations around books will help to motivate you and get back into reading.

6. Embrace Audiobooks or Podcasts:

Audiobooks count as reading too. If finding time to sit down with a physical book is challenging, consider incorporating audiobooks or book-related podcasts into your routine. Listen during your commute, while exercising, or while doing household chores. Audiobooks offer a flexible way to enjoy stories without the need for undivided attention, making them an accessible option for busy schedules.

The Chronicles of Narnia AudioBooks and Podcasts.

7. Revisit Childhood Favorites:

Rediscover the magic by revisiting the books that captivated your imagination as a child. Whether it’s a beloved children’s book or a young adult classic, these familiar tales can evoke a sense of nostalgia and reignite joy. It can also help you get back into the reading habit you had as a child. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-loved story to transport you back to the enchantment of reading.

8. Engage in Literary Challenges:

Turn your reading revival into an exciting challenge. Platforms like Goodreads offer challenges where you can set a goal for the number of books you’d like to read in a year. The sense of achievement as you progress through the challenge can add an extra layer of motivation and satisfaction.

9. Attend Author Events or Literary Festivals:

Immerse yourself in the literary world by attending author events or literary festivals. Engaging with authors, hearing their insights, and discovering new releases can reignite your passion for reading. Many events are now accessible online, making it easier to participate from the comfort of your home.

10. Celebrate Milestones:

Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones, no matter how small. Whether you finish a book, reach a certain page count, or explore a new genre, take a moment to recognize your accomplishments. The help to reinforce your routine and help you maintain your reading habit. Positive reinforcement can create a positive association with reading, making it a joyful and fulfilling activity.

11. Turn Off Distractions:

If you want to get back into reading, you need to dedicate your time and mind to the activity. Create a calm environment by minimizing distractions. Turn off your phone, step away from the constant buzz of notifications, and create a peaceful atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself fully in the world of your chosen book. Distraction-free reading enhances the pleasure of the experience.

12. Set Reading Dates:

Schedule specific times for reading, treating them as sacred appointments with yourself. Whether it’s a quiet Sunday morning, a cozy Friday night, or a few stolen moments during your lunch break, setting aside dedicated time helps integrate this joyful activity into your routine.

Set Reading Dates.

Reading Should Be a Joy, Not a Burden

Embark on rediscovering reading joy; there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy books. This is a personal and intimate experience, and the goal is to make it a source of pleasure rather than stress. Whether you gravitate towards fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, manga, or children’s books, the world of literature is vast and accommodating.

Give yourself the freedom to explore, experiment, and enjoy the process. The magic lies not in meeting quotas or adhering to rigid standards but in the sheer delight of getting lost in a captivating story. So, grab a book that sparks your interest, find a comfortable spot, and savor the joy of reading at your own pace. After all, the most fulfilling reading experiences are the ones that bring a smile to your face, and the best books to get into reading are the ones that resonate with you. Happy reading!

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