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Daphne Groothuijse

  • daphnegroothuijse



Daphne Groothuijse


Daphne Groothuijse is the writer of the book “I love Superfood Smoothies”. She loves to write and combined here creativity and love for healthy food to create this book. Since Daphne was a teen, she has been fascinated by a healthy diet. Since 2003 she has been working to boost her own health through diet, yoga and walking. For a long time Daphne believed that she was eating healthily, but nevertheless she could not get rid of her troubled skin. Until 2013, when she started a diet consisting of 80% raw fruits, vegetables and nuts, (whether or not in the form of smoothies). Only the remaining 20% comprised of cooked food. This brought a huge improvement in not just her feelings of overall health but in clearing up the issues with her skin.
Daphne now uses superfoods mainly in smoothies, so she will absorb a lot of vitamins, minerals and other substances throughout her day. In this book, Daphne has expressed her love, creativity and passion for healthy food and her determination in sharing this valuable knowledge.


